Nursing Care Dhaka for job opportunities in Bangladesh. The nurse is a familiar word to everyone. And the literal meaning of the word nursing is to supervise or serve. The word nurse comes from this word nursing. Those who are skilled in nursing are called nurses. Its Bengali meaning is a nurse. Nursing Care Service in Dhaka Bangldesh.
Those who are engaged in the care of sick people in the hospital are usually known as nurses. Nursing Care Service in Dhaka Day by day people are increasing, hospitals are increasing, diseases are increasing. The demand for nurses is increasing at the same time. As a result, nursing is an important subject for reading. Just as there are opportunities for human service through reading about this, there are also opportunities for a good career.
It is in this situation that nursing as a profession has become quite popular among the students. Nursing Care Dhaka Of course, there are good reasons behind this. Nursing is one of the few topics that can be studied in the current market to ensure a sufficient field of work at the end of the study then work Nursing Care Service in Dhaka. That is why the competition in this sector has been increasing year by year.
There is a demand for nurses in all countries of the world including Bangladesh. In fact, it is a profession whose needs are not limited to space, time, or vessel. Considering the context of our country, it can be seen that the number of private hospitals, clinics, and diagnostic centers including hospitals has been increasing day by day in the last few years. The demand for nurses in these institutions is also increasing day by day. For this reason, it is often seen that many good institutions lack skilled nurses.
In our country, there is not as much demand for doctors or engineers and there is a tendency for parents to teach in these subjects, but there is no tendency to study and teach in the nursing profession. As a result, many people are not able to accept the possibility of a good career apart from doing human service after finishing their studies. Many people do not have a clear idea about nursing. This article is about how to study somewhere or how to build a career.
History of the Nursing Profession: Before the development of the nursing service in modern times, the national service was often conducted by Christian clergy or nuns and in the military. In the UK, senior nurses are considered sisters. The Crimean War revolutionized the history of nursing. Florence Nightingale, a world-renowned English nurse, began her career in nursing. His book Notes on Nursing is considered to be a pioneer in this regard.
Marie Shekel, Agnes Elizabeth Jones and Linda Richard are other important nurses in the professional development of this profession. Marie Sokol has worked in Crimea; Agnes Elizabeth Jones and Linda Richards established quality nursing schools in the United States and Japan. Among them was Linda Richards, the first American professional and trained nurse to graduate in 183 from the New England Hospital for Women and Children in Boston.
New Zealand is the first country in the world to register nurses at the national level. The Nurses Registration Act was enacted on September 12, 1901. Ellen Dougherty was New Zealand’s first registered nurse. North Carolina became the first state in the United States to adopt the Nursing License Law in 1903. In the 1990s, nurses were allowed to transfer patients to other professional health workers or physicians if needed, including administering drugs, diagnostics, and pathology tests.
Where to study: The opportunity to study BSc in Nursing at the undergraduate level was not available in our country a few days ago. Only diplomas and primary courses were offered in this regard. However, at present, this course is running in 8 basic BSc nursing colleges at the government level. Each of them has 100 seats. Apart from this, there are also opportunities to do Honors in Nursing in a few private institutions. These include the International University of Business, Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT) and the State University of Bangladesh. And 4 government post-basic BSc nursing colleges have 125 seats each.
Type of Course: Bangladesh There is an opportunity to do a four-year honors course on BSc in Nursing in both the above institutes. At State University it is included in the School of Health Sciences. Here 150 credits are taught in 12 semesters in four years. In IUBAT, 143 credits are taught in 11 semesters in four years of graduation.
Topics covered in the course: The curriculum of BSc in Nursing of the country has been prepared to keep in line with the foreign curriculum. Topics covered in this course include Introductory of Nursing, Human Anatomy, Community Nursing, Seminars and Research in Nursing, Human Physiology, Concept of Health and Illness, Mental Health Nursing, Pediatrics, Population Control and Pharmacology. Nursing Administration etc.
Admission Information: To be admitted to a BSc in Nursing, the candidate has to get a minimum GPA of 2.50 in each of the secondary and higher secondary and equivalent examinations. Although priority is given to students in the science department, students in the humanities and commerce departments may also be admitted to this department. Admission is usually taken on the basis of GPA. The admission process starts as soon as the results of HSC are released. The total cost of admission is three to three and a half lakh rupees. However, there are scholarship opportunities for the poor and meritorious.
Job Opportunities: After studying this subject, there are opportunities to build a career everywhere in the country and abroad. There are career opportunities in public and private hospitals, social services departments, hotels, motels, NGOs and even tourism corporations in the country. Apart from this, there is an opportunity to work easily in different countries including Canada bypassing BSc in Nursing abroad and passing CFNS or Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools examination.
However, in order to get a job abroad, nurses need to be trained as well as proficient in English. At present, about 1350 nurses from Bangladesh are working in 13 countries of the world including Saudi Arabia, Libya and the United Kingdom. It is possible to earn a lot of foreign exchange in this sector if we can develop skilled nurses by knowing English and providing advanced training.
Considering the potential of the nursing profession, many institutions are now offering the opportunity to study nursing. However, according to the Bangladesh Nursing Council Ordinance No. LXI-1983, without the approval of the Council and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, no institution can conduct educational activities in the field of nursing, admission, certification, etc. Therefore, before making a decision on admission to an institution, one has to know whether it has proper approval or not.
Government Basic BSc Nursing College:
- Dhaka Nursing College, Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka.
- Mymensingh Nursing College, Mymensingh Medical College Hospital, Mymensingh.
- Rajshahi Nursing College, Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, Rajshahi.
- Chittagong Nursing College, Chittagong Medical College Hospital, Chittagong.
- Rangpur Nursing College, Rangpur Medical College Hospital, Rangpur.
- Sylhet Nursing College, MAG Osmani Medical College Hospital, Sylhet.
- Barisal Nursing College, Sher-e-Bangla Medical College Hospital, Barisal.
Nursing Care Dhaka Government Post-Basic BSc Nursing College:
- Service College, Mohakhali, Dhaka.
- Fauzdarhat Nursing College, Chittagong.
- Bogra Nursing College, Shajirmekha, Bogra.
- Khulna Nursing College, Khulna.